Contact information
* DEFAMATION OR HARASSMENT Hate speech, defamation or other harassment will not be tolerated towards your fellow learners or towards me. I reserve the right to remove any student from the course for such willful action. This has never happened before in any group I’ve facilitated, but it’s in the policies just in case.
* PAYMENT PLANS You are contractually bound to the financial agreement we've made. If you need to shift the terms of your payment plan for any reason, please send me an email saying so (so we have it in writing). I'm always happy to find a way to make it work for people financially, and clear, open communication is much preferred over avoiding payments or ignoring a looming invoice.
* REFUNDS There are no refunds, exchanges, or transfers for any reason, except in the case that I have to cancel the course outright, in which case refunds will be issued within 30 days of course cancellation.
* SUPPORT This work may stir things up in you that are beyond the scope of what I can support you with. If you’re really struggling or suffering, don’t hesitate to get the help you need from a partner, a friend, or a therapist. Here's a link for affordable therapy options across the US.
* GUARANTEES Undoing internalized patriarchal conditioning is long-term, organic, sometimes nebulous work, so I can make no specific guarantees as to your results. You get out of this work what you put into it, and I’ll be here to support you as best I can!
* PAYMENT PLANS You are contractually bound to the financial agreement we've made. If you need to shift the terms of your payment plan for any reason, please send me an email saying so (so we have it in writing). I'm always happy to find a way to make it work for people financially, and clear, open communication is much preferred over avoiding payments or ignoring a looming invoice.
* REFUNDS There are no refunds, exchanges, or transfers for any reason, except in the case that I have to cancel the course outright, in which case refunds will be issued within 30 days of course cancellation.
* SUPPORT This work may stir things up in you that are beyond the scope of what I can support you with. If you’re really struggling or suffering, don’t hesitate to get the help you need from a partner, a friend, or a therapist. Here's a link for affordable therapy options across the US.
* GUARANTEES Undoing internalized patriarchal conditioning is long-term, organic, sometimes nebulous work, so I can make no specific guarantees as to your results. You get out of this work what you put into it, and I’ll be here to support you as best I can!
I agree
Choose a pricing option
- Preferred optionOne-time payment ($600)$600.00
- Preferred optionSplit pay (2x $300)2x $300.00
- Preferred optionSplit pay (4x $150)4x $150.00
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